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DWI Attorney in New Rochelle, New York

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense with life-altering consequences. If you’ve been charged with DWI, the future is uncertain at best. At Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C., we understand the stakes involved, and we’re here to offer you experienced and compassionate legal representation for any criminal charge.  

If you’re in New Rochelle, New York, or anywhere in New York, you don’t have to face your DWI charge alone. Call Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C. today for a consultation and take the first step toward protecting your future. 

Defining DWI  

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is typically set at 0.08%, although some states have stricter regulations depending on the driver's age and status. Driving over this limit can impair your cognitive abilities, reaction time, and overall judgment, making you a hazard on the road.  

If you are accused of DWI, get legal help immediately. A knowledgeable lawyer can guide you through the legal system and possibly reduce the penalties you may face. 

Facing DWI Charges in New York?

Consequences of a DWI Conviction 

These extend far beyond fines and possible jail time. Here are some common penalties associated with a DWI conviction: 

  • License suspension or revocation: Losing the privilege to drive for a specified period, which can greatly impact your daily life and employment. 

  • Hefty fines: Paying substantial fines and court costs can create financial burdens. 

  • Incarceration: Facing jail time, especially for repeat offenders, can result in lost income and personal hardship. 

  • Increased insurance premiums: Experiencing a significant rise in car insurance rates, or even having your policy canceled. 

  • Criminal record: Having a permanent criminal record that can affect future employment, housing, and more. 

  • Mandatory alcohol education programs: Being required to attend and complete alcohol education or treatment programs. 

  • Installation of ignition interlock devices: Having a device installed in your vehicle that requires you to pass a breathalyzer test before the car starts. 

  • Community service: Completing a set number of hours of community service as part of your sentencing. 

  • Loss of employment opportunities: Facing potential job loss or difficulty finding employment due to your criminal record. 

  • Personal and social consequences: Straining relationships with family and friends, and experiencing emotional distress and stigma associated with a DWI conviction. 

DWI Laws in New York 

Let's look at the specific regulations and penalties under New York's DWI laws. 

Leandra’s Law 

One of the most stringent DWI laws in New York, Leandra’s Law makes it an automatic felony to drive drunk with a child aged 15 or younger inside the vehicle. This law carries severe penalties, including possible imprisonment, hefty fines, and mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device. 

Implied Consent Law 

In New York, the Implied Consent Law states that by having a driver’s license in the state, you are giving automatic consent to undergo chemical tests (such as breath, blood, or urine) if a police officer suspects you of driving under the influence. Refusing to take these tests can lead to immediate license suspension and other penalties, which are separate from those associated with the DWI charge itself. 

Aggravated DWI 

If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.18% or higher, New York considers this an Aggravated DWI, which carries harsher penalties than a standard DWI, including longer jail sentences, larger fines, and extended periods of license revocation. 

Zero Tolerance Law 

New York's Zero Tolerance Law specifically targets drivers under the age of 21. Under this law, drivers who are found to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) between 0.02% and 0.07% face severe consequences, including license suspension, fines, and mandatory enrollment in alcohol education programs. This law aims to discourage underage drinking and ensure that young drivers adhere to the highest safety standards. 

Chemical Test Refusal 

New York has strict penalties for refusing to take a chemical test when suspected of DWI. If you refuse to take a breathalyzer or other sobriety tests, you face an automatic suspension of your driver's license for at least one year. Repeat refusals can result in even longer suspensions and higher fines, making it crucial to comply with testing requirements during a traffic stop. 

Steps We Take in Your Defense 

Here's what we will do to build a robust defense and safeguard your interests: 

Initial Consultation 

This includes reviewing the circumstances of your arrest, the results of any field sobriety tests, and the procedures followed by law enforcement. 

Evidence Collection and Analysis 

This might include police reports, breathalyzer results, and witness statements. We scrutinize every detail to identify any inconsistencies or procedural errors that could work in your favor. 

Building a Strong Defense 

Based on our analysis, we develop a robust defense strategy tailored to your case. This may involve questioning the accuracy of breathalyzer tests, challenging the legality of the traffic stop, and presenting alternative explanations for your behavior. 

Representation in Court 

If your case goes to trial, you can count on our experienced attorneys to represent you vigorously. We use our familiarity with New York DWI laws to challenge the prosecution’s case and advocate for your rights. 

DWI Lawyers Serving
New Rochelle, New York 

At Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C., we’re not just about winning cases; we’re about providing goal-oriented, accessible services that make you feel valued. When you contact us, you will work directly with us every step of the way. Not only have our attorneys practiced for multiple decades in various areas of the law, but they have the knowledge and insight to prove it. You deserve comprehensive legal advocacy rooted in real experience.