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DWAI Lawyers in New Rochelle, New York

Driving while ability impaired (DWAI) is a serious offense that can have far-reaching consequences. If you’ve been charged with DWAI, it's essential to act quickly and contact experienced legal professionals. At Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C., our DWAI lawyers understand the gravity of your situation and offer comprehensive legal representation for any DWAI charge. 

If you’re in New Rochelle, New York, or anywhere throughout the state, you don’t have to face your DWAI charge alone. Call our firm today for a consultation, and take the first step toward protecting your future. 


Driving while ability impaired (DWAI) refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, but not to the extent that it constitutes a DWI.  

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a more severe offense compared to DWAI. It involves operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher or driving under the influence of drugs to a level that impairs one's ability to operate a vehicle safely.  

Though considered a lesser charge than DWI, DWAI still carries significant penalties and can impact your ability to drive, work, and maintain personal relationships. 

If you've been accused of DWAI, we encourage you to get legal help immediately. A knowledgeable DWAI lawyer can guide you through the legal system and possibly help you reduce the penalties you may face. 

Facing DWAI Charges in New York? 

Consequences of a DWAI Conviction 

If convicted of driving while ability impaired, your punishment will depend on your driving record: 

  1. First DWAI-related offense within the last 5 years: Traffic infraction with a fine of $300-$500, up to 15 days in jail, or both. 

  1. Second DWAI-related offense within the last 5 years: Traffic infraction with a fine of $500-$750, up to 30 days in jail, or both. 

  1. Three or more DWAI-related offenses within the last 10 years: Misdemeanor with a fine of $750-$1500, up to 180 days in jail, or both. 

Beyond the legal ramifications, a DWAI conviction can have substantial personal and professional impacts that extend far into your future. On a personal level, you may experience strained relationships with family and friends owing to the stigma associated with impaired driving.  

The loss of driving privileges can severely limit your social interactions and independence. Professionally, a DWAI conviction might jeopardize current employment, particularly if your job requires you to drive or if your employer has a strict policy against criminal records.  

Future job prospects may also be affected, as many employers conduct background checks and may view a DWAI conviction unfavorably. Plus, the financial burden of fines, increased insurance premiums, and legal fees can lead to less financial stability. 

Don't let a DWAI charge dictate your future. Our experienced defense lawyers at Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C. are here to provide the legal assistance you need. We're dedicated to helping you challenge your charges and seek the best possible outcome in your case. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I fail a breath test? 

If you fail a breath test, it's crucial to remain calm and avoid making any incriminating statements. Request to speak with a DWAI lawyer as soon as possible. A failed breath test does not immediately equate to guilt. Your lawyer can examine the circumstances surrounding the test to identify any potential issues or inaccuracies. 

What are possible DWAI defenses? 

These include questioning the validity of the breath test, lack of probable cause for the traffic stop, improper administration of field sobriety tests, and medical conditions that could have skewed your test results. Your lawyer will review your case thoroughly to determine the best defense strategy for your situation. 

How does being convicted of DWAI affect my driving privileges? 

A DWAI conviction can lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver's license, depending on the severity of the offense and your prior driving record. Additionally, you may face increased insurance premiums and the requirement to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle.

Consulting with a DWAI lawyer can help you understand the full scope of the consequences and explore options to retain your driving privileges. 

Can a DWAI lawyer help if it's my first offense? 

Yes, a DWAI lawyer can provide significant support, even if it's your first offense. Quality criminal defense representation will guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights, and work hard to minimize the penalties you may face.

An attorney's experience can be especially beneficial in negotiating plea deals or seeking alternatives to jail time, such as community service or alcohol education programs. 

Drugs were found in my car during my traffic stop. What should I do? 

First and foremost, avoid making any statements to law enforcement without legal representation. Anything you say can be used against you, so exercise your right to remain silent. Request to speak with a defense lawyer immediately. Your attorney can provide crucial advice on how to handle interactions with police and will start to build your defense strategy. 

The presence of drugs in your vehicle can lead to additional charges beyond a DWAI, such as possession or even distribution, depending on the quantity and type of substances found. But that doesn't mean your chances of a fair outcome are out the window.  

Your lawyer will examine whether your Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures were violated during the traffic stop. Any evidence obtained unlawfully may potentially be suppressed, which could significantly impact the outcome of your case. 

The key is prompt action—the sooner you contact a skilled DWAI lawyer, the better prepared you'll be to address these serious charges effectively. 

DWAI Lawyers Serving
New Rochelle, New York 

At Gugliotta & Ponzini, P.C., we don’t just aim to win cases; we strive to provide goal-oriented, accessible services that make you feel valued and supported. When you reach out to us, you will work directly with our experienced team every step of the way. With multiple decades of practice in diverse areas of the law, our attorneys possess the knowledge and insight you need for comprehensive legal advocacy. You deserve nothing less.